Nuk Pu Neteru Meri

Is the name of the system that Akosua Aset developed and is currently sharing and teaching in Smai Tawi Teacher Trainings.

Translated it says “I am Gods Love” and it consists of 33 postures and 3 eras. The focus of the system is to dive into the spirit of the divine feminine and her soul and love. Self love is the love of the goddess and it enables love for the all.

Self Love helps us understand ourself and the world through compassion and reflection. This system embarks us on a journey through the creation of time and space, connecting and learning to receive from the earth and finally being embraced in the arms of the goddess.

The Training consists of 7 modules and the presentation of the ‘Nuk Pu Neteru Meri’ system, all of this over the course of 3 months.

If you are interested and need further information please contact Akosua Aset via