
Kemetic Yoga - Divine Livity

(Vitae English)

Education / Training

January 2012: 2 Weeks of Hatha Yoga Training

September 2012: 200h Certification in Smai Tawi (Tjef Sema Paut Neteru)

March-July 2013: Certification Health & Wellness Consultant

October 2019-March 2020: Afrikan Yoga / Hudu Certification

September-November 2020: Kemetic Yoga for Children Certification


Work Experience

October 2012: Smai Tawi Workshop in Charleston, South Carolina

November 2012: Smai Tawi Workshop in St. Mary, Jamaica

April 2013: Smai Tawi Workshop series in Hamburg, Germany

Mai 2013: Smai Tawi Workshop in Vienna, Austria

June-October 2013: Weekly Smai Tawi Sessions in Hamburg, Germany

March-October 2018: Smai Tawi Workshop Series in Hamburg, Germany

Since November 2018:  Starting the offering of regular twice per week online Smai Tawi Sessions

October 2018 - February 2019: Co- Hosting a Smai Tawi Teacher Training

September 2019: Smai Tawi Workshop in Hamburg

March 2020: Smai Tawi / Hudu Workshop in Lamu, Kenya

June 2020: Online Summer Solstice Manifestation Workshop

September 2020: Smai Tawi Workshop in Vienna, Austria

September 2020: Online Smai Tawi Workshop for ISD (Initiative Schwarze Deutsche/ Initiative of Black Germans)

Since October 2020: Starting to offer weekly live sessions at Kula-Raum Hamburg, Germany (now online)

From October – December 2020: 3 more Online Workshops with “Forum Brazil Berlin”, “Studio S.” and independently

January 2021: Smai Tawi Online Workshop with “BlackToYoga” Studio in California, USA

Since February 2021: weekly online sessions with BlackToYoga

May 2020: Online Workshop at Blak Outside Festival UK

October 2020: Workshop with community in Berlin

July 2021: Kemetic Yoga Workshop at Invision Festival Brandenburg

October 2021: Kemetic Yoga Workshops with local woman in Lamu, Kenya

März 2022: Pilgrimage to Egypt

Februar 2023: Kemetic Yoga & Caribbean Dance workshop for Black History Month in Hamburg

and many more…


 Akosua Aset born in Miami-Beach, USA 

is of Jamaican descent and was raised mostly in northern Germany.

She is now mother of 3 while being a Social Worker, Smai Tawi Basu and Nutritionist & Health and Wellness consultant.

In 2012 Aset got certified in Smai Tawi by the Sema Institute of Muata & Karen Ashby. In 2013 she founded Kemetic Yoga -Divine Livity while completing her certification as Nutrition, Health and Wellness Consultant and in 2020 she added a certification as a Kemetic Yoga teacher for children and an Afrikan Yoga training which includes Hudu. Hudu is a rhythmic flow that connects the physical and spiritual body with the elements to enhance focus, fluidity and our inherent manifestation powers. Since 2012 Akosua Aset has hosted workshops in Jamaica, USA, Germany, Austria and Kenya. She specializes in brining all of her skills together to one method of healing the mind, body and spirit of herself and her clients.

Currently Aset offers Smai Tawi teacher trainings with a deeply spiritual and creative system that she designed focussing on the divine feminine energy.

Bio Deutsch

Kemetic Yoga - Divine Livity wurde 2013 in Jamaica von Akosua Ina’mi Aset gegründet. Aset wurde 2012 in Kemetic Yoga ausgebildet und 2013 schloss sie ihre Ausbildung zur Gesundheits - und Ernährungsberaterin ab. Sie ist die erste die Kemetic Yoga in Deutschland in regelmäßigen Kursen als auch Workshops angeboten hat und freut sich seit 2020 weitere Menschen auszubilden, die Interesse haben Smai Tawi (Kemetic Yoga genannt) anzuleiten und zu teilen.

Außerdem ist Akosua Musikerin und möchte mit Yoga, Musik, Meditation und einem gesunden Lebenswandel Heilung inspirieren und teilen.

“Healing Together” ist das Motto ihrer Workshops und online Kurse. Da jedes Beisammensein, sei es persönlich als auch online transformierend und heilend sein kann und darf.


Akosua Aset, Founder